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Do We Find or Create Ourselves ?

"The self is not something one finds, it is something one creates"

~Thomas Szasz

A recent conversation with someone I highly admire and respect referenced this point as they began explaining their personal journey towards finding oneself through unforeseen life changes. I was aligned with their many points of understanding yet there was one sticking point for me. While it may seem like a simple difference in terminology and interpretation, I hold tight to my belief that words matter. I nevertheless am struck by how frequently we view our identity as something we need to find. Call me analytical or picky, but I can't help perceive this view as surrendering personal power to an external expectation of who we should be. While yes, I am a huge proponent of self-inquiry and reflection, I am more than eager to take an active part in creating myself instead of finding who the world thinks I should be. Again this may just be a slight difference in terminology, but such slight differences have the strength to disempower. This subtle distinction is my hope for you. I am absolutely positive this was not the moral of the story I was hearing and most people wouldn’t give a second thought to this distinction, but for just a moment step back and personalize what this difference can mean in your life… Do you want to Find Yourself or Create Yourself? The undertone is strong with an impactful message allowing you to be in control of your next step, your next journey. While stepping back, I’m reminded that self-discovery and creation is a life long journey and not a stop sign destination. No matter what stage of our life we are in or what lies in front of us; when dissected it all comes back to our personal values and what we are striving for -- an answer that is very unique and different for each person.

I have no need to conform to the stereotypes others have defined for me.

- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

"You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one." ~James A. Froude

Until Next Time ~ Be Well

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Welsley Brutto, LPC, NCC

790 East Market Street

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Tel: 610-440-3645

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